Human Design w/ Tonya Yve

Who are you? How were you designed to thrive?

I'll tell you one thing, it's definitely NOT through falling in line with the socially acceptable standards and norms.

Many of us are burnt out, frustrated and angry from following the "rules of life" we've been sold through school, government, media, religion, and family.

Maybe you're struggling to achieve your dreams. Maybe you've achieved them but still feel a massive lack of fulfillment.

When I stumbled upon Human Design early 2020 I had never felt so SEEN.

I thought my lack of enthusiasm for the 9-5 (or even a career) was a flaw. Come to find out it was simply a natural response that someone with my design would have to this world.

A Human Design Reading will help you SEE yourself in a completely new light.

You'll see how you've been working AGAINST yourself and your natural rhythms.

An HD Reading will provide you with a clear look at how following the rules of society has actually BLOCKED you from your blessings AND it'll show you how to change that immediately.

Since following my design here's how my life has changed:

  • I stopped doing the work/career/money-making tasks I thought I HAD TO DO & welcomed in more provision, money and resources into my life than I've had in years
  • I attracted true love, my soulmate, after years in a toxic marriage
  • My confidence and self love have sky rocketed! I've release a ton of shame. I've been able to value & accept myself deeply
  • Life is just more peaceful and more FUN!

A Human Design Reading will help you understand how to manifest peace, success, satisfaction, etc.

During your reading you will discover:

How to use your unique energy (doing “it all right “ but still not making progress on your goals is a big sign of MISUSE of your energy)

How to make things happen( aka manifest the desires of your heart)

How to make decisions in alignment with your energy (hint- it’s NOT by using your head, this is one of the biggest mistakes us humans make!)

Areas where you’re susceptible to deep conditioning so you can release whats not yours (family/society standards boggin’ you down? let’s change that.)

Your Superpowers- energies/talents unique to you that when tapped into will allow you to THRIVE!

This reading is a VOICE NOTE reading.

Meaning we don't have to carve out time to link schedules.

Video calls can also be very distracting when taking in info.

Over a 3-day period I will be a little fairy in your ear sending you personalized voice notes sharing with you your unique patent of magic found in you HD chart!


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